Start your pond right the first time.
A healthy and beautiful pond can add value to any home.
5 Reasons why we do NOT use a weed cutter tool for pond management.
AquaSweep is the perfect choice for killing weeds around the edges of ponds and lakes.
What is the best way to remove cattails from your pond or lake?
Aquathol is an excellent aquatic herbicide that can provide season-long control of a variety of submerged aquatic weeds found in small lakes and ponds.
Hydrothol is a selective, quick-acting, contact herbicide and algaecide that can burn your skin.
Sonar can be poured anywhere into the pond and will diffuse out throughout the pond in the course of 30 days with dramatic results in 3-6 weeks.
Sonar Genesis is a selective systemic aquatic herbicide for the management of freshwater aquatic plants in ponds, lakes, reservoirs...
Clipper is a fast working herbicide that controls tough invasive and nuisance floating and submerged aquatic plants.
The Secret for Reward or Tribune to be effective is clear water. Why?
The Pros and Cons of pond dye. Is pond dye really necessary?
A wildlife habitat is an environment designed by a person or community that works as a sustainable refuge for surrounding wildlife.
Much like Fanwort, Crested Floating Heart is an aquatic weed that is beautiful.
Illegal in some states to be sold for water gardens or aquariums, it is the first to quickly spread during the coldest seasons.
One day mid-summer, he noticed that every time he went boating, more aquatic plants would appear.
Aquatic weeds sometimes disguise themselves as beautiful, harmless flowers or plants.
Wood ducks need special nesting areas to thrive. They typically use wood cavities in trees to nest free from predators. But the shrinking of wetlands and less than ideal conditions have caused wood ducks populations to diminish.
What if I told you aquatic weeds aren't all bad and some are healthy the ecosystem?
Carole was shocked when she found out her "small problem" was Eurasian Watermilfoil.
Platinum Ponds & Lake Management is a Master Pond Manager & licensed aquatic herbicide applicator who has completed and passed Clemson's pond and stormwater management courses.
Standpipes, siphons, and overflows need to be regularly monitored to avoid clogging which can cause flooding and damage to your pond’s integrity.
Secret water quality parameters for warm water fish ponds.
Temperature can affect everything in your pond or lake. Oxygen, fish, and even tiny microorganisms that each muck.
Beavers, muskrats & geese are a few of the most common nuisance pests in ponds and lakes.
Aquatic weeds can be found in ponds in lakes floating or submersed.
Water is a magnet for trash that will not decompose. And we depend on the pond owner or the weekly mowing guys to remove trash that ends up in the pond.
Leaves, grass clippings, runoff, aquatic weeds & algae all fast forward the timetable for expensive dredging. By using powerful enzymes we can reduce the muck.
Ideal water clarity for a pond or lake is between 2-3 ft. Too much sunlight will quickly grow weeds. Erosion and runoff are the main reasons for muddy water.
Fall is in the air and nature is changing fast.
Have you ever been to a lake or pond that had a gelatinous mass like the one in the picture above?
Golf course ponds in Charlotte, NC can be much more difficult than private or public ponds.