AquaNeat or Rodeo? Will it Kill Everything?

What is the best way to remove cattails from your pond or lake?

By  •  • 3 minute read

Justin works for his HOA (home owners association) in Charlotte, NC. The neighborhood has three ponds. They had a lot of interest in some of the homes on the ponds so he thought he would check on them to make sure they looked beautiful. The last time he checked, there were a few cattails. This time, there were even more, and they looked like they had started causing blockages at the drains. Soon after they received a citation stating they were in violation with a stormwater inspection.

Should the HOA hire someone to dredge the area out with the cattails? Or would using finding someone to control aquatic weed be less expensive?

Dredging is expensive, messy and takes a long time to schedule. Often aquatic herbicides like AquaNeat and Rodeo can be the solution for taking care of cattails. We saved Justin $1000’s of dollars by treating the cattails instead of dredging.

AquaNeat Liquid with Glyphosate is a root-killing herbicide. It controls floating and emersed weeds in and around surface waters and on land. It’s perfect for use in flowing, non-flowing or transient bodies of water. Results are seen within 2 to 4 days on most annual weeds. It could take seven days or more to see results on perennial weeds.

If it rains within 6 hours after application, it may reduce the effectiveness. If there is heavy rainfall within 2 hours after application, it may wash the product off the foliage, and the treatment may need to be repeated.

Rodeo Herbicide with Glyphosate is for control of annual and perennial weeds and woody plants in natural and production and is effective on nearly all Emergent Plants. It’s a top choice for emerged aquatic vegetation control. It travels throughout the entire plant, killing both roots and foliage. A potential downside is because it’s a non-selective herbicide, Rodeo kills all plants it touches.

Glyphosate, which is in both AquaNeat and Rodeo, is a non-selective herbicide. That means it will kill most plants. Glyphosate prevents plants from creating certain proteins that are needed for plant growth.

After a few days, the ponds were looking beautiful, and the blockage was being resolved. Justin was glad he didn’t have to worry any longer about families wanting to buy homes near the ponds.

Click here for the AquaNeat LABEL

Click here for the AquaNeat Material Data Safety Sheet

Click here for the Rodeo LABEL

Click here for the Rodeo Material Data Safety Sheet


  • AquaNeat and Rodeo are excellent controls of cattail, willow and johnsongrass.

  • They are perfect for use in flowing, non-flowing or transient bodies of water.

  • Perfect for ponds and lakes.

  • Both contain Glyphosate.

  • Should be applied to plants when plants are actively growing.

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Filed in: Aquatic Herbicides , Algae Aquatic Weeds , Charlotte, NC , Pond Management & Lake Management • Tags: Aquatic Herbicides , Aquatic Weed , Charlotte NC , Pond Management & Lake Management

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