Matt works for a golf course in Charlotte, NC. He went out early one morning to check on their ponds and saw some aquatic plants sticking out on the edge of the water. He had never seen it before, so he called the Clemson Extension office. They determined it was alligator weed; an emergent aquatic weed.
He was embarrassed his customers would see the aquatic weeds and think they didn’t properly care for their ponds. He went to the store and tried multiple products, but none seemed to keep it away. Finally, he called Platinum Ponds and Lake Management to see if we could help. We told him about becoming a member to assure their ponds are always healthy and beautiful.
Matt was so relieved to know he would have healthy and beautiful ponds on his golf courses so he wouldn’t have to be embarrassed anymore. He became a member so he wouldn’t have to worry about the embarrassment that comes with ugly aquatic weeds.
We knew Aquasweep herbicide would be best for Matt’s golf course ponds. It’s the first liquid premix with full terrestrial and aquatic uses. AquaSweep is the perfect base for any selective weed control program distributed within aquatic and wetland areas. You see quick and long lasting results.
Aquasweep herbicide controls emergent, floating and submerged aquatic weeds and also offers exceptional control of invasive and noxious weeds and brush on roadsides, right-of-ways, ditchbanks, aquatic sites, pastures and along fence rows.
Click here for the Material Data Safety Sheet
Offers outstanding control of invasive and noxious weeds and brush on roadsides, right-of-ways, ditchbanks, aquatic sites, as well as pastures and along fence rows.
The first liquid premix with full terrestrial and aquatic uses, AquaSweep is the perfect base for any selective weed control program interspersed with aquatic and wetland areas.
Control of emergent, floating and submerged aquatic weeds.
Peace-of-mind during selective weeding applications that are interspersed with aquatic and wetland areas.
Now serving Greenville SC, Spartanburg SC, Asheville NC, & Charlotte NC areas.
Get started. Become a member today!
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