Stormwater ponds are confusing.
Did you know that 40 percent of surveyed U.S. water bodies are impaired and do not meet water quality standards?
It's a network of structures, channels and underground pipes that carry stormwater (rain water) to ponds, lakes, streams and rivers.
“Best Management Practices (BMPs), are devices used to reduce pollution in stormwater runoff, thereby protecting area waterways.
Just as streets, grass, and neighborhoods need to be maintained, stormwater ponds need to be maintained.
BMP stands for Best Management Practices.
The difference between a dry detention pond and a wet retention pond may not seem interesting or important.
Proper management of stormwater ponds is crucial.
Stormwater drainage systems are channels and underground pipes that carry stormwater (rainwater) to ponds, lakes, streams and rivers.
Stormwater runoff is water from rainfall or melted ice and snow that flows over the ground.
Stormwater systems are tools that manage the runoff from rainfall.
Save money by maintaining your stormwater system.
If you live in a suburban or urban area in Charlotte NC, you will probably want to be able to answer the question, “what is a stormwater pond and what is its purpose?”
Stormwater quality is important because it affects everyone.
Communities across the State of North Carolina must manage rainfall that runs off roads, streets and parking lots.
Stormwater upkeep is important. Therefore; maintaining it is important.
Neighborhood stormwater systems are extremely important because they directly affect the people in the community.
Storm water detention ponds are widely used and are among the most effective storm water treatment practices.
Every pond owner must consider maintaining their stormwater retention pond on a regular basis if they are interested in reducing their hidden costs.
Here is a great resource we found online from Montgomery County in Maryland.