5 Reasons why we do NOT use a weed cutter tool for pond management.
AquaSweep is the perfect choice for killing weeds around the edges of ponds and lakes.
What is the best way to remove cattails from your pond or lake?
Aquathol is an excellent aquatic herbicide that can provide season-long control of a variety of submerged aquatic weeds found in small lakes and ponds.
Hydrothol is a selective, quick-acting, contact herbicide and algaecide that can burn your skin.
Sonar can be poured anywhere into the pond and will diffuse out throughout the pond in the course of 30 days with dramatic results in 3-6 weeks.
Sonar Genesis is a selective systemic aquatic herbicide for the management of freshwater aquatic plants in ponds, lakes, reservoirs...
Have you ever been to a lake or pond that had a gelatinous mass like the one in the picture above?
Golf course ponds in Charlotte, NC can be much more difficult than private or public ponds.
Have you ever looked out into a pond or lake and saw that is was green pea soup?
Have you ever tasted tap water and thought it tasted a little off?
Rob has about a 1-acre pond. He noticed strange dark green weeds growing one morning.
You can find American Pondweed in both North and South Carolina as well as other states.
Cercarial Dermatitis, also known as Swimmer’s Itch, is a rash that spreads to the entire body after swimming or wading in a lake, pond, or an ocean during the summer months.
Imagine you live in a house with a pond. You and your wife love to take the grandchildren swimming in it in the summer.
Johnny is a frustrated homeowner in an HOA who lives on the stormwater pond.
One morning Jana woke up to her pond covered in an ugly green watermeal.
Dan has a beautiful pond in his backyard.
The Smith family lives in a neighborhood that has a large pond. The HOA does a great job of keeping the pond beautiful and healthy.
It’s not a surprise that ponds and lakes in different places have different chemical make-ups.
If you are a pond or lake owner in Charlotte, NC, you might be familiar with the words “pond dye.”
When fish are are born and raised in a hatchery then released into a pond, it is called pond stocking.
If you already have a pond with a fish population, I wouldn’t recommend it.
April: How to properly leave mulch and grass clippings.
Stormwater quality is important because it affects everyone.
We are excited to announce that we are now SePro Preferred Applicators for aquatic herbicides in Asheville NC, Charlotte NC, Greenville SC, Spartanburg SC and the surrounding Upstate.
Hey, it's Richard here with Platinum Ponds & Lake Management. We are here in HOA subdivision, and we are looking at some aquatic weeds that are started to creep up.
Hey, it's Richard here with Platinum Ponds & Lake Management. We wanted to show you an algae clip that we took at the Alta Grove Apartments in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Hey, it's Richard here with Platinum Ponds & Lake Management at platinumlakes.com. We are here at a retention pond, and we are looking at a delta that has been forming over time.
In this podcast we discuss the following topics with Cary Martin at Crop Production Services: Pond algae, aquatic herbicides, fountains, bottom aeration.
Ever wonder what water treatments are being added to your pond or lake?
If a picture is worth a thousand words. How about a video?