Golf Course Pond Management

Golf course ponds in Charlotte, NC can be much more difficult than private or public ponds.

By  •  • 2 minute read

Golf course ponds in Charlotte, NC can be much more difficult than private or public ponds. Well-managed ponds add to the aesthetic quality of the course along with supporting irrigation and supplying drainage basins. Ponds need continuous maintenance, upkeep, etc. Golf course ponds are meant to be part of a game and can make or break a course.

If your pond is filled with algae and aquatic weeds, has weeds and tall grass, or isn’t kept up with, your customers might start looking for another course. Who would choose an overrun course over a nice, clean course?

It might not even be because it looks bad or is distracting, but because they could more easily lose a ball if the outside of the pond looks like a jungle. Occasionally, chemicals can’t be used to treat the algae because some ponds might use their water for irrigation.

Another way golf courses are more complex is that fertilizer can mess up the nutrients in the pond. If it’s not kept up, it can increase the nutrients.

If you try to cheat your pond by only fighting the problem once it has occurred, you will end up paying way more than you would have by investing in a solution.

The best way to care for your pond is to be proactive. If you try to brush off water quality issues, it will result in more harmful and/or toxic algae blooms, aquatic weeds, algae, and possibly a loss of customers.

It is not worth your time or money.

Invest in a solution.

Pro tip- Add beneficial pond bacteria to your pond to help maintain the correct balance for a healthy ecosystem.

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Filed in: Algae Aquatic Weeds , Aquatic Herbicides , HOA Ponds , Lake Management & Pond Management • Tags: Aquatic Herbicides , Aquatic Plants , Asheville NC , Charlotte NC , Farm Pond Management , Fish Pond Management , Golf Pond Management , Greenville SC , HOA , Lake Management , Lake Pond Management , Large Pond Management , NC , North Carolina , Pond Maintenance , Pond Management , SC , South Carolina , South East Pond Management & Southeastern Pond Management

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