The Smith family lives in a neighborhood that has a large pond. The HOA does a great job of keeping the pond beautiful and healthy.
It’s not a surprise that ponds and lakes in different places have different chemical make-ups.
Embarrassed by ulgy algae suddenly ruining your window views?
When fish are are born and raised in a hatchery then released into a pond, it is called pond stocking.
If you already have a pond with a fish population, I wouldn’t recommend it.
Tilapia- “any freshwater cichlid of the genus Tilapia, of African waters."
When you think about plants and vegetation around a pond in Charlotte NC, what comes to mind?
Proper management of stormwater ponds is crucial.
Here with Platinum Ponds & Lake Management. I wanted to show you today another bathymetry contour mapping study that we have done for one of our members.
Are you frustrated by water meal taking over your pond?
Many lake owners are finding their docks and boats swallowed up with aquatic weeds in our small lakes in Greenville & Spartanburg Counties.
Are you looking for a solution to your aquatic weeds in Greenville or Spartanburg?
Hey, it's Richard here with Platinum Ponds & Lake Management. We are here in HOA subdivision, and we are looking at some aquatic weeds that are started to creep up.
Hey, it's Richard here with Platinum Ponds & Lake Management. We wanted to show you an algae clip that we took at the Alta Grove Apartments in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Hey, it's Richard here with Platinum Ponds & Lake Management. We are here today at an HOA that has a retention pond.
Hey, it's Richard here with Platinum Ponds & Lake Management. Today we are at the Woods Lake Apartment Complex.
Blink your eyes and water thread weed can surface in just about any pond or lake in North or South Carolina.
Until now, HOAs and private pond owners and lake owners have had to swim in the dark with their aquatic weed problems and costly sedimentation removal with the overall health of their pond and lake at stake.
In this PondCast, we discuss the following questions with Sue and Patrick from Vertex Water Features about Pond & Lake Aeration.
In this podcast we discuss the following topics with Cary Martin at Crop Production Services: Pond algae, aquatic herbicides, fountains, bottom aeration.
Controlling Pond algae can be very frustrating.
Algae can be a major problem for small bodies of water and because it can take over so quickly, it needs to be controlled in a safe and effective manner.
Adding aquatic plants like iris, pickerel & thalia are great choices for your retention pond or farm pond.
Aquatic weeds can be dangerous to any ecosystem.
Blue-green algae have been proven to be a the cause of mild nausea to neurological damage to the brains of numerous species throughout an ecosystem.
This past week Platinum Ponds & Lake Management dedicated over three days to the honing skill sets for our aquatic herbicide applications.
Algae removal or aquatic weed removal doesn’t automatically mean manual labor.
In the past month, we have identified numerous ponds in Greenville SC & Charlotte NC with cyanobacteria, also know as blue-green algae.
Aquatic weeds like water-primrose are an invasive plant in North & South Carolina.
Algae treatments begin in North & South Carolina this week as water temperatures warm to around 60 degrees.
One of our prize members is the Greenville Country Club.
Having your HOA retention pond evaluated is the first step in forming a step-by-step plan to reach necessary goals to keep the pond or lake functioning properly year round.