Adding aquatic plants like iris, pickerel & thalia are great choices for your retention pond or farm pond. The best marginal aquatic plants for ponds are those that create buffers for stormwater and reduce the amount of grass clippings in your pond. Not only do they drastically reduce the nutrient load on your retention pond or fishing pond, but they also control erosion of the banks of the pond.
Stormwater retentions are usually designed for water level to go up 8-10 inches with each rain event. This means that these ponds will slowly drain down over the course of just a few days. This constant water level change can bring costly erosion if not protected with a buffer.
Cattails are beautiful and perhaps the most recognized aquatic plant in ponds. However, if you have ever seen them shed their seeds you will know that you can have millions of cattails planted randomly throughout you pond in less than one year. Unlike marginal aquatic plants like iris they are costly to control and need constant killing with aquatic herbicides.
Our favorite marginal is the iris. It grows tightly to each other and keeps even grass from growing once firmly established.
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