This past week Platinum Ponds & Lake Management dedicated over three days to the honing skill sets for our aquatic herbicide applications. Scientists, government officials, Universities, Duke Energy and a host of licensed aquatic herbicide applicators convened in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina to discuss the best practices available to kill aquatic weeds.
Although a science, new products, and multiple combinations make treating algae & submersed weeds more of a trade skill then just reading a label and spraying. New strains of algae and aquatic weeds crossing state boards make treating aquatic weeds more important now then ever.
Small patches of aquatic weeds in a South Carolina Lake can turn into millions of dollars of monthly applications with no end in sight.
To add to the urgency, new studies have confirmed at that neuro toxins are growing on hydrilla in many of the South Carolina lakes killing eagles, loons and other birds eating the aquatic weed.
Water is our most precious resource. And with better management practices we can protect North and South Carolina from costly mistakes in our HOA retention ponds, golf courses, and lakes.
Now serving Greenville SC, Spartanburg SC, Asheville NC, Charlotte NC, Winston-Salem NC, & Greensboro NC areas.
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