Embarrassed by ulgy algae suddenly ruining your window views?
In this podcast we discuss the following topics with Cary Martin at Crop Production Services: Pond algae, aquatic herbicides, fountains, bottom aeration.
Controlling Pond algae can be very frustrating.
Vertex Water Features has been the leader in aquatic aeration for over 30 years.
Ever wonder what water treatments are being added to your pond or lake?
If a picture is worth a thousand words. How about a video?
Algae can be a major problem for small bodies of water and because it can take over so quickly, it needs to be controlled in a safe and effective manner.
Depending on the type of pond the answer may vary.
Looking for cutting edge info and the latest in pond and lake management?
Aquatic weeds can be dangerous to any ecosystem.
Blue-green algae have been proven to be a the cause of mild nausea to neurological damage to the brains of numerous species throughout an ecosystem.
This past week Platinum Ponds & Lake Management dedicated over three days to the honing skill sets for our aquatic herbicide applications.
Aquatic Bathymetric and vegetation mapping are critical for analyzing the success of pond & lake management.
Algae removal or aquatic weed removal doesn’t automatically mean manual labor.
In the past month, we have identified numerous ponds in Greenville SC & Charlotte NC with cyanobacteria, also know as blue-green algae.
What is viewed as a community recreation and water feature, minimizes the risk of neighborhood flooding, and protects local water quality?