We are excited to announce that we are now SePro Preferred Applicators for aquatic herbicides in Asheville NC, Charlotte NC, Greenville SC, Spartanburg SC and the surrounding Upstate.
Here is a great resource we found online from Montgomery County in Maryland.
Ever consider why a pilot on your flight needs a pilot license?
Hey, it's Richard here with Platinum Ponds & Lake Management. We are here in HOA subdivision, and we are looking at some aquatic weeds that are started to creep up.
Pond's grow algae and weeds resulting in more muck.
Until now, HOAs and private pond owners and lake owners have had to swim in the dark with their aquatic weed problems and costly sedimentation removal with the overall health of their pond and lake at stake.
In this podcast we discuss the following topics with Cary Martin at Crop Production Services: Pond algae, aquatic herbicides, fountains, bottom aeration.
Here is a great question just sent to us this week, the pond owner asked
If a picture is worth a thousand words. How about a video?
Algae can be a major problem for small bodies of water and because it can take over so quickly, it needs to be controlled in a safe and effective manner.
Fish kills are common in the spring or fall seasons when the water inverts or turns over.
Depending on the type of pond the answer may vary.
Aquatic weeds can be dangerous to any ecosystem.
Blue-green algae have been proven to be a the cause of mild nausea to neurological damage to the brains of numerous species throughout an ecosystem.
Aquatic Bathymetric and vegetation mapping are critical for analyzing the success of pond & lake management.
Algae removal or aquatic weed removal doesn’t automatically mean manual labor.