Ponds and lakes go through several “mood” swings over the course of the year. Each season brings different issues that need to be proactively addressed.
By monitoring a pond on a monthly basis, it keeps the pond in check from getting out of hand with costly problems. Monitoring monthly also helps you achieve goals like a beautiful algae free pond or a trophy fishing pond.
What can go wrong with your pond or lake without a monthly check-up?
- Your pond or lake can quickly be overgrown with noxious weeds that will cost thousands of dollars to be controlled.
- Your pond can slowly begin to be filled in making it shallow leading to the need to dredge prematurely. (i.e. Dredging a .25 acre starts at $25,000)
- Destructive animals such as muskrats and beavers can collapse shorelines and levies draining ponds and lakes leading to astronomical costs for rebuilding with heavy equipment.
- Fish kills can happen without proper oxygen monitoring or proper treatments destroying years of growth and fishing.
- Your pond and lake can become embarrassing and unsightly overnight.
- Fishing can be frustrating without proper stocking & harvesting.
Now serving Greenville SC, Spartanburg SC, Asheville NC, Charlotte NC, Winston-Salem NC, & Greensboro NC areas.
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