Secret water quality parameters for warm water fish ponds.
Cercarial Dermatitis, also known as Swimmer’s Itch, is a rash that spreads to the entire body after swimming or wading in a lake, pond, or an ocean during the summer months.
Proper management of stormwater ponds is crucial.
If you live in a suburban or urban area in Charlotte NC, you will probably want to be able to answer the question, “what is a stormwater pond and what is its purpose?”
Stormwater quality is important because it affects everyone.
We are excited to announce that we are now SePro Preferred Applicators for aquatic herbicides in Asheville NC, Charlotte NC, Greenville SC, Spartanburg SC and the surrounding Upstate.
Blink your eyes and water thread weed can surface in just about any pond or lake in North or South Carolina.
Controlling Pond algae can be very frustrating.
Here is a great question just sent to us this week, the pond owner asked
Vertex Water Features has been the leader in aquatic aeration for over 30 years.
Fish kills are common in the spring or fall seasons when the water inverts or turns over.